PUTOME® PLUS Syrup + Capsules


(200ml + 10 Caps)

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Dosage Available In :

Syrup: 2 TSP twice a day

Capsule: 1 Capsule daily

A multifaceted approach to female health from Puberty To Menopause

Hormonal disturbance is the primary etiological factor of infertility and menstrual problems. The abnormality of physiological levels of gonadotrophins leads to imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. PUTOME PLUS Syrup is a polyherbal formulation recommended for the females of all reproductive ages to overcome menstrual disturbances.


Protects Her From Puberty To Menopause

  1. Normalizes menstrual cycle and improves pre & post-menopausal symptoms.
  2. Tones up endometrium & stimulates ovarian tissues.
  3. Raises serum FSH and LH levels to correct ovulation.
  4. Relieves Swelling and controls heavy bleeding.
  5. Improves haemoglobin & bone density.


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